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Choosing a Program

EACC Programs

The Elkhart Area Career Center offers 30 programs in a wide range of industries. Many students have a clear idea of an industry or program that appeals to them, while some students recognize they could benefit significantly by attending the EACC - but are unsure which program would be a good fit. 

Below is a drop-down list of EACC Programs based in general areas of study that may help a student identify programs of interest. Learn details about each program here: EACC Programs

Still unsure? Learn more about the type of industries and jobs that may appeal to you based on your interests, skills, and work preferences by completing the Interest Inventory linked below. 



Interest Inventory

Do you work better in groups or individually? Is your ideal workplace setting quiet or loud, exciting or calm, indoors or outdoors? Do you like consistent routines or ongoing, new challenges? Do you thrive in presenting to a group or doing behind-the-scenes work? 

All of these job attributes can contribute to identifying which industries or jobs might be a good fit! 



To learn more about your work preferences, EACC encourages students to complete the interest inventory in Indiana Career Explorer by following the steps below.

  1. Go to Indiana Career Explorer.
  2. Click on “Join Now” in your appropriate age/grade (K-12)
  • In the upper right corner, click on Register
  • Use your school email and a password you’ll remember
  • Select “I am a Student
  • Provide your current grade 
  • Type Elkhart Area Career Center in the school area
  • Click on Take Assessment and then click on Take Interests Assessment and complete the assessment.

3. Once you receive your results, answer the following questions:

  1. What are your top industries?
  2. Identify three job titles that were identified as possible matches.
  3. From the listed possibilities, which ones were interesting to you? Which ones were uninteresting to you?
  4. Choose two EACC Programs from the list of EACC Programs (below).

First Choice         _______________
Second Choice    _______________ 

4. Apply to the EACC, indicating your top choices! Apply Here!