The Elkhart Area Career Center has a long history of highly-awarded students, staff, and programs. Scroll through to see the honors!
Student Awards
- American Advertising "Addy" Awards
- Anything But Hair Competition (Vincennes University)
- FFA Awards
- Governor's Work Ethic Certificate
- Hot Rodders of Tomorrow
- Indiana Association of School Broadcasters (IASB) Awards
- National Technical Honor Society
- SkillsUSA
- Scholastic Awards
- Teacher's Choice Awards
- Youth Art Awards - Midwest Museum of American Art
American Advertising "Addy" Awards
The American Advertising Federation of Fort Wayne, Ad Fed, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and improving the advertising industry, fostering higher standards of practice in advertising, expanding recognition of advertising, and cultivating a better understanding of the economic and social values of advertising to all people. The organization coordinates annual awards to recognize excellence in advertising.
Award Recipients (2023-2024)
- Natalie Lane
- Ben Ragsdale
- Aubrey Michen
- Bella Smith (2)
- Natalie Lane
- Hallie Simes (2)
- Parker Austrup
- Yoana Barron (2)
- Bella Smith
- Aubrey Michen
- Zoe McDuffee
- Aubrey Michen
- Riley Fain
- Yoana Barron
- Aiden McFall
- Savannah Jarnagin
Instructors: Pat Brownewell (Commercial Photography) and Amber Kosar (Graphic Design)
Anything But Hair Competition (Vincennes University)
FFA Awards
FFA is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education.
Learn more about the organization: FFA
Award Recipients (2022-2023)
Governor's Work Ethic Certificate
The Governor's Work Ethic Certification Program identifies and evaluates area high school seniors who may be good candidates for success in the workplace or in higher education. Students must meet attendance and grade criteria, demonstrate the attributes of PRIDE, and have recommendations from their teachers.
Award Recipients (2022-2023)
Hot Rodders of Tomorrow
Hot Rodders of Tomorrow is an American national competition where high school students tear-down and rebuild an engine in the shortest time possible. The event is hosted by a non-profit organization of the same name, Hot Rodders of Tomorrow. The organization has awarded over $15.5 million in scholarships.
Learn more about the organization: Hot Rodders of Tomorrow
Award Recipients (2022-2023)
Indiana Association of School Broadcasters (IASB) Awards
The Indiana Association of School Broadcasters is an organization consisting of and supporting Indiana high schools and colleges to promote professional excellence and student recognition in the area of media education. IASB membership consists of secondary schools and post-secondary schools that offer academic, career technical education or extra-curricular programs related to electronic media.
Annually, the IASB Awards Ceremony recognizes winners from 42 different categories that span five different divisions in the broadcasting and digital media fields.
2023-2024 Award Recipients
National Technical Honor Society
NTHS is a national organization founded to reward excellence in career and technical education, to encourage scholastic excellence and skill development, and to cultivate a stronger, more positive image for career education.
The goal of National Technical Honor Society is to ensure that deserving career technical education students be recognized and that the local community become aware of the talents and abilities of the people who choose career technical education as a pathway to a successful future.
Students are nominated by their instructors, must have 3 or less absences and tardies, and have an “A” in their Career Technical Education Program at the end of first semester.
Inductees (2023-2024)
Yasmine Estrella Adame
Maria Veronica Aguilera
Nissy Alvarez Chavez
Olivia Alwine
Alejandro Andres-Sanchez
Mario Alexander Aparicio Rosa
Wylee Arnold
Hannia Baez-Leon
Gabriel Bailey
Caitlyn Beatty
Braelynn Bianchini
Owen Bickel
Nevaeh Rose Bolmer
Chloe Abigail Bontrager
Kaitlyn Rose Bontrager
Tessa Branham
Isaiah Bright
Dylan Michael David Brown
Joelle Karen Brubacher
Genevieve Bultinck
Elliana Buraczewski
Drew Burgess
Titus Calkins
Trista Cave
Heidi Renae Cline
Cole Combs
Aniya Defrees
George Patrick Dibley
Alexander Joel Dickson
Mckayla Dressler
Peyten Brooklen Duke
Nicholas Edwards
Jordan Embriz Lariz
Layne Emenhiser
Tatum Evers
Jasmyne Farkas
Evelyn Flores
Zoie Grace Fountain
Emily Gabarrete-Cornelio
Santiago Amyus Galindo
Joselin Lilia Garcia
Aidan Gesellschap
David Gingerich
Matthew Givens
Marcos Raul Gonzalez
Sharon Gerably Gonzalez Cruz
Conner Graff
Karley Anne Greenway
Layla Grace Gulis
Evalyn Jade Halsey
Alexys Hamilton
Abigail Hartley
Daniel Michael Haubold
Chace A Hawkins
Britaney Hernandez
Edwin M Hershberger
Peyton Hilbert
Arianna Holiday
Carly Horein
Shyla Hornacek
Faye Leoma Hunsberger
Avery Irving
Cesar G Jaime-Esparza
Brooklyn Elle James
Cameron Jenks
Hellen M Jimenez Murillo
Addison Johns
Morgan Kaminskas
Aaron Kemper
Henry Kern
Brady Ketcham
Katie Kline
Jason R LaBelle
Brayden James Laws
Jenalize M Leal
Charles Logan
Sofia V Lopez Boscan
Sisavath Luangasa
Nina Lucas
Gavin Ludy
Lucas John Lyons
Robert Mahar
Ryan Loyal Maines-Garcia
Ruby Martin
Ismael Martinez
Sedrick McNeely
Jefersson Medrano
Ahtziri Medrano Lopez
Cecilia Mendoza
Aubrey Michen
Amaya Miller
Chloe Miller
Keith Miller
Isabelle Mills
Spirit Sa'nyiaha Moffett
Rachel Morales
Askani Idalis Muniz
Derek Nahir Munoz-Gutierrez
Alejandro Nava
Christian Nelson
Weston Dennis Newcomer
Danielle Nicodemus
Emma Niedbalski
Dominic J Niedosik
Elisabeth R Nissley
Agustina Jocelyn Olais
Jennifer Olvera-Morgado
Carlos Ontiveros
Mayrin Ariana Orellana Erazo
Todd Overmyer
Sandra Patriz
Kate Roccio Paz Amador
Edwin Perez Lopez
Conner Perkins
Charles Perrin
Clarence Walter Peterson IV
Thomas Pletcher
Angelina Ramirez
Jhonny Recinos Cardenas
Benjamin Reihl
Aaron Renz
Mia Alexandra Reyes-Ortiz
Logan A Rice
Arieana Richards
Dominick C Riley
Santiago Dario Rodriguez
Igbelith Rodriguez Sanchez
Kate Rodriguez-Martinez
Piper Roll
Lucy Carol Rosentreter
Qubid Rugelio
Kyleigh Ruhl
John Rupp
Quade Rusk
Amy Sanchez
Brannon M Sanders
Wyatt Schantz
Alejandro Sebastian
Kailey Sharp
Tristan Simpson
Cayden Smith
Ethan Douglas Smith
Austin Smith
Kaylee Smith
Katelynn Solarek
Sophia Sotebeer
Maria Jose Soto Parra
Grayce Spadafore
Zoey Marie Spaulding
Ty Stankovich
Benjamin Thomas Statler
Dominique Eliza Stilley
Brody Streeter
Lexie Marie Nicole Strong
Aidan Douglas Svetanoff
Chloe Riley Tebo
Heidy Jael Tecpil Ramos
Diego I Teran
Christopher Todillo
Tijahna Turner
Kyndra Umbaugh
Madison L Unsicker
Humberto Alexis Valadez
Jasmine Vega Salazar
Meredith Valentina Viloria Arjona
Alexa L Walter
Brady Robert Weldy
Jacob T Whitlow
Tanner James Whitmer
Tiffany Lorena Williams
Darin Yoder
Addison Yoder
America Nicole Zacarias
Mariafernanda Zarco Ruvalcaba
Kaitlyn Zimmer
Inductees (2022-2023)
Aguilar Rodriguez, Andrea Victoria
Aguilera Salas, Brytney
Albright, Kyla
Allen, Madison Tune
Alvarez, Litzi Esmeralda
Alvarez, Mia Inez
Alvarez, Yuritzi T
Anderson, Ashlyn
Andrade, Leslie
Angel, Christine
Ashworth, Owen
Baldwin, Cole Thomas
Baldwin, Gaige
Blain, Sophia G
Boggs, Dillon Marshall
Bolock, Hannah D
Borsodi, Bradly Johnathon
Boussaha, Amber
Brubaker, Casey K
Burkholder, Bailey
Bushong, Bella Lorraine
Calzadilla, Carlos
Carter, Olivia Y'vonne
Cintron, Genesis
Cline Abigail Paige
Cooner, Bella S
Coquillard, Aliva L
Corban, Kelsey Grace
DeSantos Aguilar, Gabriel
Earnhart Abigail Sue
Eash, Avia Vanessa Marie
Esquivel-Diaz, Ruby S
Farmer, Keagan J
Fortin, Jenna N
Frantom, Reagan Nichole
Frausto Alfaro, Paola
Garcia, Alicia Linett
Garcia, Demetria
Garton, Tristen William
Gomez, Mejia Evbin
Graff, Cole L
Hammond, Maximus Malachi
Haves, Hanna Louise
Hernandez, Jennifer
Herrera, Lettzy Magdalena
Hitchcock, Anna Marie
Hoffmann, Natalie Elizabeth
Hoover, Sophia Kay
Horein, Brady Alan
Hurst, Kennady
James, Germaya D
Jernigan, Layla Kay
Johnson, Casey Kathleen
Johnson, Hunter Douglas
Johnson, Valentina Lynn
Jones, Julia Bryanne
Juarez, Ariel K
Kabiru, Lorna Wairimu
Kahl, Gabriel Preston
Kaler, Beau David
Kinnison, Audrey Marie
Kinsinger, Hailey Nichole
Knowles, Jacob R
Kulish, Anna V
Lay, Emily
Lee, Onycha Lael
Lehman, Ethan
Leiby, Samuel M
Lightfoot, Deron M
Loesch, Carl Patrick
Lopez Cisneros, Melissa
Lopez, Jesus
Loucks, Clark Benjamin
Mahar, Marina N
Malloch, Lincoln James
Mann, Jett Charles
Marquez, Kimberly Reina
Martinez, Abraham
Martinez, Caylin
Mason, Bradley
Mast, Mason Arden
Miller, Ainsley Grace
Miller, Ellison Genevieve
Miller, Shawn Joseph
Miller, Tess Layne
Moralez, Aracely
Mueller, Ashley
Murray, Micaiah
Navarro Reyes, America
Newson, Raniaha Monae
Nichols, Ethan Michael
Ortiz-Mendoza, Adilene
Otto, Kayleigh Renee
Payton, Nilah L
Perez, Alex Alberto
Perez-Bermudez, Emily
Phillips, Parker Mason
Quintano Zelaya, Lizie Michelle
Ramsey, Connor Tate
Rawlings, Coulter Jay
Rixter, Eddie Jordan
Rodriguez, Omar
Roth, Gavin M
Rumatchik, Vasia William
Salazar Medina, Darimar
Salazar, Ana E
Santillan-Gonzalez, Vivian
Schlundt, Brandon Cole
Schrock, Ava Rose
Schrock, Kira Grace
Simons, Brittany G
Smittendorf, Ellie Donna Belle
Spice, Raven Elizabeth
Stilley, Maleek D
Tomasello, Hailey Giada
Torres, Anthony
Valencia, Jocelyn
Vazquez-Diaz, Elena
Vazquez-Diaz, Lourdes
Velasco, Jordy L
Velazquez, Alexis
Vincent, Sophia Grace
Wade, Whitney
Walton Clark, Jacob M
Wilson, Alivia Marie Kay
Zimmerman, Elle Tomlyn
- About
- Regional Award Recipients (2024-2025)
- National-Level Qualifiers and Results (2023-2024)
- State-Level Award Recipients (2023-2024)
- Regional Award Recipients (2023-2024)
- State-Level Award Recipients (2022-2023)
- National-Level Qualifiers (2022-2023)
SkillsUSA offers materials and programs to help students develop as individuals, employees, and citizens. The program teaches teamwork, leadership and reinforces industry standards within each individual contest category. Students advance through district, regional, state, and national competitions. SkillsUSA provides opportunities to network, potentially meeting future employers.
Winners at the state and national levels can win medallions, scholarships, tools, leadership development materials & other awards. Over $1 million in scholarships are available through SkillsUSA annually. Every year at the national level a very select few are chosen to compete internationally.
Learn more about the organization: SkillsUSA
Regional Award Recipients (2024-2025)
Advertising Design
- Sydney Hohl - First
- Aiden McFall - Fourth
- Ethan Blackshire - Sixth
- Lillian Napier - Eighth
- Zariq Delgado - Ninth
- Nora Davis - Tenth
Audio/Radio Production
- Team A - First: Xaydn Hall and Amy Martin
- Team D - Second: Addison Mishler and Tyler Wilkins
- Team B - Third: Layne Emenhiser and Raiden Yoder
Automotive Service Technology
- Dylan Brown - First
- Ryne Szymanowski - Second
- Jacob Richter - Third
- Daniel Haubold - Fourth
- Josue Lopez-Botello - Fifth
- Ty Stankovich - Third
- Ilana Lee - Second
- Isla Perez Herrera - Third
- Maybeline Nerio - Sixth
Crime Scene Investigation
Team G - First: Piper Owsley, Kiana Alberto, and Yarely Salgado-Reyes
Team K - Second: Melinda Lopez, Mishelle Musselman, and Austin Titus
Team J - Third: Ashley Daigneau, Halie Horwath, and Angel Moncada
Team H - Fourth: Addisyn Hunt, Maddison Norris, and Xoei Struble
Criminal Justice
- Nevaeh Bolmer - First
- Miguel Rodriguez - Second
- Prabjot Singh - Third
- Lenny Alvarez - Fourth
- Evelyn Flores - Fifth
- Alexis Juarez - Sixth
Digital Cinema
- Team D - First: Shaylin Geyer and LeAnn Crowder
- Team C - Second: Danielle Nicodemus and Marcus Stoutenberg
- Team B - Fourth: Liam Elkins and Benjamin Reihl
Electrical Construction Wiring
- Case Yoder - Third
- Aidan Jones - Fourth
Job Interview
- Aubrey Michen - First
- Audrey VanDeMark - Third
- Mia Crist - Fifth
- Emilio Hernandez - First
- Timothy Stallings - Third
- Team - Fourth: Mason Defebaugh, Dorian McDaniel, Carlos Ontiveros, and Robert Mahar
- Team - Fifth: Stephen Linton and Charles Perrin
Television (Video) Production
- Team D - First: Peyten Duke and Abigail Hernandez
Video News Production
- Team B - First: Hannia Baez-Leon, Eva Diaz, Owen Oswald, and Qubid Rugelio
National-Level Qualifiers and Results (2023-2024)
Additive Manufacturing
- Corby Bennett, 33rd Place
- Mario Ortiz-Young, 33rd Place
Audio-Radio Production
- Wylee Arnold, 6th Place
- Isaiah Bright, 6th Place
First-Aid CPR
- Olivia Koeppel, 29th Place
Medical Terminology
- Ismael Martinez, 11th Place
- Gracie Goss, 20th Place
Television (Video) Production
- Peyton Duke, 14th Place
- Abigail Hernandez, 14th Place
Video News Production
- Hannia Baez-Leon, 16th Place
- Maya Baez-Leon, 16th Place
- Fabian Montoya Marin, 16th Place
- Owen Oswald, 16th Place
State-Level Award Recipients (2023-2024)
Gold medalists advance to NATIONALS in Atlanta, Georgia.
Audio/Radio Production
- Team B: Wylee Arnold and Isaiah Bright
Extemporaneous Speaking
- Nicolas Brenneman-Ochoa
First Aid/CPR
- Olivia Koeppel
Medical Terminology
- Ismael Martinez
- Gracie Goss
Precision Machining
- Clark Louks
Technical Drafting
- Alyssa Samuel
TV/Video Production
- Team A: Peyton Duke and Abigail Hernandez
Video News Production
- Team A: Hannia Baez-Leon, Maya Baez-Leon, Fabian Montoya Martin, Owen Oswald
Automotive Service Technology
- Killian Townsend
Diesel Technology
- Owen Bollenbacher
Digital Cinema
- Team A: Lucas Lyons and Ethan Nichols
First Aid/CPR
- Serenity VanAtta
Medical Assisting
- Sophia Senne
Medical Math
- Brooklyn James
Motorcycle Service Technology
- Mikael Maciel
- Ian Campagnoli
Additive Manufacturing
- Team A: Corny Bennett and Mario Ortiz-Young
First Aid/CPR
- Ruthanne Miles
Heavy Equipment
- Bruce DeWulf
Information Technology Services
- Dalton Bachman
Medical Assisting
- Ismael Martinez
Medical Math
- Sophia Senne
Medical Terminology
- Miya Taylor
Motorcycle Service Technology
- Jesus Sabas
- Alani Guzman Rios
Power Equipment Technology
- Anthony Torres
Prepared Speech
- Olivia Koeppel
Team Works
- Team I: Chance McCormick, Brody Moyer, Gael Reyes, Austin Wyse
TV/Video Production
- Team B: Aidan Gesellschap and Qubid Rugelio
Regional Award Recipients (2023-2024)
- Team A
- Corby Bennett
- Mario Ortiz-Young
- Eva Diaz
- Natalie Lane
- Weston Newcomer
- Team A
- Wylee Arnold
- Isaiah Bright
- Team B
- Hunter Johnson
- Raiden Yoder
- Dylan Brown
- Eduardo Hernandez
- Jacob Richter
- Josue Lopez Botello
- Isaiah Morris
- Killian Townsend
- Carlos Aguero-McKelvey
- Mackenzie Feathers
- Katelynn Solarek
- Team A
- Brady Guard
- Alexis Juarez
- Emma Niedbalski
- Team D
- Cierra Hersha
- Victoria Mullins
- Laney Randle
- Team E
- Brytney Aguilera Salas
- Sophia Blain
- Tiffany Williams
- Dillon Boggs
- Lettzy Herrera
- Erik Sanchez
- Gaven Warman
- Marina Aguilar
- Alex Perez
- Kary Lehman
- Benjamin Statler
- Owen Bickel
- Owen Bollenbacher
- Bradley Mason
- Eddie Rixter
- Team C
- Aidan Gaskill
- Luke Runge
- Team D
- Lucas Lyons
- Ethan Nichols
- George Dibley
- Henry Kern
- Kevin Mehl
- Matthew Givens
- Luis Guevara
- John Rupp
- Kimberly Marquez
- Concepcion Rodriguez (model)
- Nicolas Brenneman-Ochoa
- Olivia Koeppel
- Jaymieka Kyle
- Ruthanne Miles
- Lisbeth Rivas
- Serenity VanAtta
- Bruce DeWulf
- Dalton Bachman
- Heidi Cline
- Connor Ramsey
- Joel Zelaya
- Zoey Spaulding
- Alexa Villafuerte Luna
- Jocelyn Miller
- Darimar Salazar Merdina
- Ethan Freedline
- Zephaniah Malone
- Ismael Martinez
- Jocelyn Miller
- Sophia Senne
- Brooklyn James
- Raniaha Newson
- Sophia Senne
- Zephaniah Malone
- Ismael Martinez
- Emily Martinez-Esqueda
- Lily St. Clair
- Miya Taylor
- Mikael Maciel
- Marcos Gonzalez
- Jesus Sabas
- Jacob Stauffer
- Ximena Ayala
- Ian Campagnoli
- Gracie Goss
- Alani Guzman Rios
- Evelyn Newsanger
- Ethan Blackshire
- Aubrey Michen
- Alexavier Berry
- Reid Ohlson
- Vasia Rumatchik
- Ryan Shay
- Anthony Torres
- Clark Loucks
- Olivia Koeppel
- Kora Roblex-Mraz
- Team E
- Stephen Linton
- Jacob Knowles
- Shawn Miller
- Gifto Yegon
- Team F
- Wyatt Hammond
- Brady Horein
- Jett Mann
- Mason Mast
- Team G
- Chance McCormick
- Brody Moyer
- Gael Reyes
- Austin Wyse
- Alyssa Samuel
- Team J
- Peyton Duke
- Abigail Hernandez
- Team L
- Liam Elkins
- Benjamin Reihl
- Team K
- Aidan Gesellschap
- Qubid Rugelio
- Ethan Blackshire
- Sydney Hohl
- Savannah Jarnagin
- Natalie Lane
- Team A
- Hannia Baez-Leon
- Maya Baez-Leon
- Fabian Montoya Marin
- Owen Oswald
- Madison Fisher
State-Level Award Recipients (2022-2023)
Ag/Motorcycle/Outdoor Power Technology I: Anthony Torres and Kegan Youell
Instructor: Ryan Gortney
Audio/Video Production II: Abigail Cline, Bryant Faustino-Ramirez, Gary Langford, Sydney Reyes
Instructors: Warren Seegers and Kenny Helbling
Cardiology/EMT I: Kimberly Gladieux
Instructor: Joleen Kindhart
Cardiology/EMT II: Grace Frye and Bianca Helfrich
Instructor: Michele Zachary
Commercial Photography II: Isabella Smith
Instructor: Pat Brownewell
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) II: Alyssa Samuel
Instructor: Jeff Lindke
Computer Networking II: Zayden Wood
Instructor: Melissa Hertsel
Diesel Service Technology II: Gavin Roth
Instructor: Pete Lestinsky
National-Level Qualifiers (2022-2023)
Audio/Radio Production
Abigail Cline
Sydney Reyes
TV/Video Production
Bryant Faustino-Ramirez
Gary Langford
Diesel Technology
Gavin Roth
First Aid/CPR
Kimberly Gladieux
Medical Math
Raniaha Newson
Information Technology
Zayden Wood
Kegan Youell
Power Equipment
Anthony Torres
Isabella Smith
Technical Drafting
Alyssa Samuel
Scholastic Awards
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. The Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify students with exceptional artistic and literary talent and present their remarkable work to the world through the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. The Awards give students opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships. In 2023, students across the United States and Canada entered more than 300,000 original works in 28 different categories of art and writing.
Learn more about the organization: Scholastic Awards
Award Recipients (2023-2024)
- Ethan Blackshire
- Ian Campagnoli
- Aden Curtis
- Fatima Esparza Silva
- Camila Gomez
- Alani Guzman Rios (2)
- Endesha Henderson
- Alaina Kochanowski
- Natalie Lane
- Aubrey Michen
- Peyton Peoples
- Hallie Simes
- Melanie Stillwell (2)
- Kylee Sutterby
- Parker Austrup
- Ximena Ayala
- Sherlyn Dominguez
- Fatima Esparza Silva
- Alani Guzman Rios
- Natalie Lane
- Aiden McFall (2)
- Aubrey Michen
- Annalisa Spears
- Brendon Velasco
- William Alber
- Ximena Ayala (2)
- Mia Cabral
- Ian Campagnoli
- Zariq Delgado
- Jerusalem Elliott
- Fatima Esparza SIlva
- Alani Guzman Rios (2)
- Sydney Hohl (3)
- Natalie Lane (2)
- Aiden McFall
- Aubrey Michen
- Peyton Peoples
- Hallie Simes
- Annalisa Spears
- Brendon Velasco (3)
- Hallie Simes (portfolio)
Instructors: Pat Brownewell (Commercial Photography) and Amber Kosar (Graphic Design)
Award Recipients (2022-2023)
Jessica Barron | Gold Key | Design |
All the Bright Places ReDesign |
Zachary Eicher | Gold Key | Film & Animation |
Eicher's animation |
Onycha Lee | Gold Key | Design |
Modeling Editorial Design |
Hallie Simes | Gold Key | Digital Art | Vanitas |
Isabella Smith | Gold Key | Photography | her |
Isabella Smith | Gold Key | Photography |
what is art???????????? |
Jessica Barron | Silver Key | Design |
Elle Magazine Cover |
Jessica Barron | Silver Key | Design |
Potawatomi Zoo Billboard |
Madilyne Borgaard | Silver Key | Digital Art |
Purity in the Mushroom Forest |
Aubrey Byers | Silver Key | Design | Big Chill Logo |
Ashley Garcia Martinez | Silver Key | Photography |
The Crime Of Silence |
Natalie Lane | Silver Key | Digital Art | Jellyfish Dreams |
Onycha Lee | Silver Key | Design |
Potawatomi Zoo Billboard |
Ester Ramirez-Orduno | Silver Key | Digital Art |
The Universe is Mine |
Hallie Simes | Silver Key | Digital Art | Dissociation |
Isabella Smith | Silver Key | Photography | longing |
Isabella Smith | Silver Key | Photography | school zone |
Isabella Smith | Silver Key | Photography |
in front of the camera |
Isabella Smith | Silver Key | Photography | under the veil |
Melanie Stillwell | Silver Key | Digital Art | Water and Sun |
Elijah Winters | Silver Key | Film & Animation |
Monster Lanes Logo |
Maria Aguilar Vargas | Honorable Mention | Design |
An Ode Seventeen 3rd Album Redesign |
Riley Fain | Honorable Mention | Photography | lost soul |
Endesha Henderson | Honorable Mention | Photography |
Unserious Lecture |
Zane Kiruu | Honorable Mention | Photography | Photography |
Onycha Lee | Honorable Mention | Art Portfolio |
Graphic Design Portfolio |
Onycha Lee | Honorable Mention | Design |
Dowden Consulting |
Marta Mayevsky | Honorable Mention | Digital Art | Silver Lining |
Isaac McClimon | Honorable Mention | Design |
Halo Reach Case art |
Zoe McDuffee | Honorable Mention | Design | Mouse & Bunny |
Ester Ramirez-Orduno | Honorable Mention | Film & Animation |
Bunnfee Animation |
John Staub | Honorable Mention | Design |
Loud Star Soda Logo |
Melanie Stillwell | Honorable Mention | Film & Animation | Slice N' Dice |
Melanie Stillwell | Honorable Mention | Digital Art | You Are You Eat |
Joselin Vargas | Honorable Mention | Photography | Looking the gels |
angela vasquez | Honorable Mention | Photography | The Thinker |
Teacher's Choice Awards
Teacher's Choice Awards
Award Recipients (2023-2024)
Audio/Video Production
Fabian Montoya Marin and Jessica Michael Nichols
Instructor: Kenny Helbling
Automotive Collision Refinishing
David Perez and Jesse Valtierra
Instructor: David Heineman
Automotive Service Technology I
Automotive Service Technology I: Dylan Brown and Jacob Whitlow
Automotive Service Technology II: Leo Duggan and Sydney Ingle
Instructors: Stephen Jones and Marty Hostetler
Barbering I: Maria Quintero
Barbering II: Julian Lopez
Instructor: Rachelle Lewis
Cardiology/EMT I: Karalina Charavaka and Mark Iashchenko
Cardiology/EMT I: Suzanna Gingerich and Elizabeth Liggitt
Instructors: Joleen Kindhart and Michele Zachary
Commercial Photography
Commercial Photography II: Ximena Ayala and Ian Campagnoli
Instructor: Pat Brownewell
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) II: Tristan Luangrath and Alyssa Samuel
Instructor: Jeff Lindke
Computer Networking
Computer Networking I: Jhonny Recinos Cardenas and Fernando Vasquez
Instructor: Melissa Hertsel
CNC I: Brayden Laws and Christian Nelson
Instructor: Seth Barnett
Construction Trades
Construction Trades I: Henry Kern, Santiago Rodriguez, Stephen Linton, and Ty Stankovich
Construction Trades II: George Dibley and Brady Horien}
Instructors: Dennis Teegarden, Zach Whickcar, and Jesse Tindle
Cosmetology I: Rebeca Albino, Aniya Defrees, and Grayce Spadafore
Cosmetology II: Ariel Juarez, Audrey Kinnison, Madison Allen, and Melissa López Cisneros
Instructors: Morgan Rush, Tracy Teegarden, Pachia Rumble, and Amy Stutzman
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice I: Lenny Alvarez Chevez, Genesis Alvarado-Lopez, Taelyr Sassaman, and Zihomara Isleno-Ponce
Criminal Justice II: Darimar Salazar Medina and Gaven Warman
Instructors: Beth Davis, Aaron Steensma, and Marty Mullins
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts I: Olivia Fullhart and Gabe Holdread
Culinary Arts II: Gabrielle Hamilton, Madison Trosper
Instructors: Peter Pica and Margarita McClain
Dental Health Careers
Dental Health Careers I: Marcelo Cristobal Mujica and Samari Smith
Instructor: Angee Gortney/Louise Melander
Diesel Service Technology
Diesel Service Technology II: Joshua Morrow and Ava Stroud
Instructor: Pete Lestinsky
Drone Technology/Precision Ag
Drone Technology/Precision Ag II: Aracelie Aguilar and Abigail Long
Instructor: Ashley Robertson
Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education II: Nina Lucas and Tijahna Turner
Instructor: Peggy DeLanghe
Education Professions
Education Professions I: Cali Shook and Patricia Kirk
Instructor: Andrea Holtz
Joselin Garcia
Instructor: Traci Pankratz
Exercise Science
Exercise Science II: Liliana Escobedo and Emma Heintzelman
Instructor: Kris Brady
Fire & Rescue
Fire & Rescue II: Cameron Freedline and Tyler Maust
Instructor: Nicole Dyer
Graphic Design
Graphic Design I: Aidan McFall
Graphic Design II: Fatima Esparza-Silva
Instructor: Amber Kosar
Maya Guerra and Damaris Hernandez
Instructor: Beth Allen
Mechatronics I: Gavin Tompos and Nicholas Edwards
Instructor: David Kriegel
Motorsports I: Tristan Simpson
Motorsports II: Maleek Stilley
Instructor: Ryan Gortney
Pre-Nursing I: Kaniya Jackson, Ismael Martinez, Bryanna Maya, and Yamilette Valenzuela-Martinez
Pre-Nursing II: Kiele Laws and Johanna Santos
Instructors: JoAnna Ralstin, Loreena Storer, and Stacie Meyers
Surgical Services
Surgical Services I: Jose Rea and Albert Simeri
Instructor: Cortney Freedline
Veterinary Careers
Veterinary Careers II: Sophia Hoover and Emily Lay
Instructor: Laura Blair
Welding II: Troy Hayes and Austin Smith
Instructor: John Kraus
Award Recipients (2022-2023)
Ag/Motorcycle/Outdoor Power Technology
Ag/Motorcycle/Outdoor Power Technology I: Ethan Lehman
Ag/Motorcycle/Outdoor Power Technology II: Maximus Hammond
Instructor: Ryan Gortney
Audio/Video Production
Audio/Video Production I: Cole Graff
Audio/Video Production II: Gary Langford
Instructor: Warren Seeger and Kenny Helbling
Automotive Collision Repair Technology
Automotive Collision Repair Technology I: David Perez
Automotive Collision Refinishing Technology II: Eybin Gomez Mejia
Instructor: David Heineman
Automotive Service Technology
Automotive Service Technology I: Conner Liras
Automotive Service Technology II: Kasey Culp and Jaymen Geyer
Instructors: Marty Hostetler and Stephen Jones
Careers in Sports Medicine
Careers in Sports Medicine I: Damaris Hernandez
Careers in Sports Medicine II: Jacob Edwards
Instructor: Kris Brady
Cardiology/EMT I: Ashlyn Anderson and Raniaha Newson
Cardiology/EMT II: Bianca Helfrich
Instructors: Joleen Kindhart and Michele Zachary
Commercial Photography
Commercial Photography II: Riley Fain and Isabella Smith
Instructor: Pat Brownewell
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) I: Graysen Beasley
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) II: Brandon Schlundt
Instructor: Jeff Lindke
Computer Networking
Computer Networking I: Nataly Balcazar and Connor Ramsey
Instructor: Melissa Hertsel
Construction Trades
Construction Trades I: Jett Mann and Shawn Miller
Construction Trades II: Emmanuel Garcia and Anna Wheeler
Instructors: Dennis Teegarden and Steve Shively
Cosmetology I: Audrey Kinnison, Kimberly Marquez, America Navarro Reyes, Sophia Vincent
Cosmetology II: Aliya Coquillard, Julianna Dunkleberger, Karly Mullins, Shelby Taylor
Instructors: Amy Stutzman, Tracy Teegarden, Pachia Rumble
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice I: Olivia Carter, Alex Perez, Emily Perez-Bermudez, Andrea Aguilar Rodriguez, Gabriel Kahl
Criminal Justice II: David Christodoulides
Instructors: Beth Davis, Aaron Steensma, Marty Mullins
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts I: Zach Corpuz and Gage Scheeringa
Culinary Arts II: Finnigan Divane and Angel Vazquez-Galvez
Instructors: Peter Pica and Margarita McClain
Dental Health Careers
Dental Health Careers: Yuritzi Alvarez and Maria Salazar
Instructor: Angee Gortney
Diesel Service Technology
Diesel Service Technology II: Luke Davis and Wyatt Ison
Instructor: Pete Lestinsky
Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education I: Amelia Cameron and Tijahna Turner
Instructor: Barbara Gingerich
Education Professions
Education Professions I: A’Bryanna Rhodes and Gregory Williams
Instructor: Andrea Holtz
English: Jaelyn Carlos and Natalie Densmore
Instructor: Traci Pankratz
Emergency Medical Technician
Emergency Medical Technician: Emily Hernandez
Instructor: Michele Zachary
Firefighting II: Bryan Avelino and Tyleah Cunningham
Instructor: Nicole Dyer
Graphic Design
Graphic Design II: Maria Aguilar Vargas and Onycha Lee
Instructor: Amber Kosar
Industrial Technology
Industrial Technology I: Zachary Cartwright
Industrial Technology II: Dakota Jozwiak
Instructor: Seth Barnett
Math: Nataly Balcazar and Alyson Quirk
Instructor: Beth Allen
Mechatronics II: Dylan Cook and Chance Duryea
Instructor: David Kriegel
Medical Assisting
Medical Assisting I: Amber Boussaha, Kaylee Miller, Princess Garrett, Kadence Lee
Medical Assisting II: Faith Wolf
Instructors: JoAnna Ralstin, Loreena Storer, Nancy Whittaker
Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture I: Caleb Holcomb and Elizabeth Miranda Ramirez
Instructor: Ashley Robertson
Surgical Services
Surgical Services: Hanna Al-Aloosi and Joselin Garcia
Instructor: Cortney Freedline
Veterinary Careers
Veterinary Careers II: Selena Camarillo and Callie Shaffer
Instructor: Laura Blair
Welding I: Zane Lightfoot and Austin McKenzie
Instructor: John Kraus
Youth Art Awards - Midwest Museum of American Art
Youth Art Month is an annual exhibit at the Midwest Museum of American Art. The exhibit is held annually in conjunction with National Youth Art Month and provides an opportunity for students,grades 9 through 12, who have realized success in the visual arts to have their work exhibited in a museum setting.
This exhibit focuses on the vitally important work carried out in the area of art education throughout the year and is unique because it seeks to explore topics in art education such as cognitive and emotional health and self and visual awareness, as well as, an appreciation of individual differences.
The following awards are presented to students during Youth Art Month:
- Phillip Monteith Scholarship ($500)
- Stuart and Trudy Basquin Youth Art Award
- Tom Grove Memorial Award for Photography*
- Robert & Mary Boyer Youth Art Award
- Northern Indiana Artists Youth Art Award*
- Goshen Photographers Guild Youth Art Award*
- Goshen Painters Guild Youth Art Award
- Goshen Clay Artists Guild Youth Art Award
*Indicates 2023-2024 EACC award winners
2023-2024 Award Recipients
Tom Grove Memorial Award for Photography
- Alani Guman Rios (Commercial Photography)
- Aiden McFall (Graphic Design)
Northern Indiana Artists Youth Art Award
- Endesha Henderson (Commercial Photography)
Goshen Photographers Guild Youth Award
- Brendon Velasco (Commercial Photography)
Instructors: Pat Brownewell (Commercial Photography) and Amber Kosar (Graphic Design)